CrossFit Hays » eek… CrossFit!!

eek… CrossFit!!

CrossFit can be intimidating. My first to CrossFit, I drove up 3 times before actually getting out of the car (thankfully, I had time to spare). I was having a mental conversation with myself trying to convince myself to turn around. I had all kinds of excuses. “I don’t have a hair tie.” “I haven’t workout in years. I need to start running or something before going in there!” “What if I don’t have the right attire… or the right shoes?” “I should really go let the dog out. He’s been locked up for awhile now.”



To say I was terrified is an understatement. I remember walking in and hardly being able to think. I probably asked the girl next to me her name 3 or 4 times. Luckily the first few classes are with other newbies and the classes are smaller. I even think I might have been alone for a couple of them.25Weeks

I got that same nervous feeling again when I returned to CrossFit after a 4 month leave after having my little girl. I worked out during my pregnancy. You might be thinking, ‘What?! She did CrossFit during her pregnancy?’ Yes!! CrossFit can be done by ANYONE!! I obviously modified by eliminating (anything inverted or on my back), lowering weight (to 60% or so), and reducing the intensity (I made sure I could talk throughout the workout). I  had a great support system & listened to my body. After she arrived I took a good long break to let my body heal and get a new routine together. I truly believe CrossFit helped me with getting post baby body.

Is CrossFit intimidating? Yes, of course. You are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. If I could go back & give myself some advice it would be:

Remember that most everyone in the gym probably felt like you did when they started. CrossFit can be scaled and it shouldn’t be scary. You should focus on pushing yourself to your own abilities. When you look around and see people lift with perfect form or going through the WOD in half your time, remember that they put in some major effort to get there. Stick with it, keep pushing yourself, & you will see your potential. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

When I tell people I CrossFit, they look at me and say oohhhh… Maybe they’ve seen the CrossFit games where the Elite Athletes perform? Maybe they have heard about CrossFit being crazy hard? Either way I wish they would take the time to try it. It is harder than walking into a typical gym where no one monitors you and you can people watch. It is harder than doing anything at all, but it is doable. I can’t possibly explain in words what CrossFit truly is. There’s a type of magic when you walk through those doors. The comradery among everyone is indescribable and the changes you see within yourself are priceless.

Walking into those doors was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

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